Sunday, May 28, 2006

Lousy Toshiba

Other than having lousy laptops, Toshiba is very giam siap a.k.a. Stingy.

Why? to the first point...just ask those with toshiba laptops, dunno why NUS still keep letting them sell their products during matriculation.

to the second already i du lan!

pay money go take part in their 4 a side tournament at ngee ann city. they have a roadshow too. everything is tented up nicely and sheltered except the area of the court WHICH has an area MUCH SMALLER than the rest of the roadshow combined! then to save the little cost involved compared to the overall thing they sacrificed the tounament. and allowed rain to degrade the whole competition to a nothing but boring affair. Even when the rain had stopped, they had absolutely no equipment of practical use to dry the court. And in the end everyone had to take penalties right from the preliminaries to decide everything. BOLIAO!!

and they made everyone wait half a day for it. promises of "we will continue with matches once the rain stops" and "we will be able to dry it up" cock only.

wait so many hrs in the end lidat...might as well earlier let us take and can go goodness..lousy contingency planning if not no contingency at all. lose if lose after playing real matches dun mind..but to end things this way is really lousy man..

conclusion..lousy toshiba marketing...

1 comment:

Superman said...

If i were u, ill rembat the organiser with the ball, kick the street soccer fenced up area and shout some insults abt their organisational skills.