Monday, January 29, 2007

a little more on my thoughts..

i took up the job of girl's soccer coach originally because i torn my knee ligament and meniscus and i knew i wouldnt be able to play in any sports this year but yet i felt like doing something worthwhile and fulfilling.

taking up this job wasn't really that hard a decision to come to because it was something i always wanted to do and try out.

i was a little uncertain at first but it got better as i started to know all of you better and somehow i was able to know what to do with you all during trainings..haha.

winning it as a coach is different from winning it as a player. the sense of fulfilment is different but i really dunno how to describe it. its like as a coach, you'll get heart attacks when watching from outside but i didn't get this feeling when i was playing in last yr's finals against RH. and as a coach, you're always constantly thinking and trying to come up with solutions when things doesn't go right..and it is different from being a player where the solution u try to come up with is how to get past the opponent or how to score the goal. and it gets better when the things you come up with and the decisions u make works!

in the end you all gave me an unforgettable experience..thanks to all of you. for my personal favourite moments..

1. huihui's equaliser against KR...we would not have won the tournament without that goal. it would end up having 4 wins and 1 loss and KR with 4 wins and 1 draw. well done lah HH!

2. the way we played against EH..its was purely a treat for the eyes.

3. Kim perpetually keeps getting injured. first the muscle pull..then the knee into the thigh..ouches! hope you're getting better miss crowd favourite. ( clarify..its not my favourite moment that u get injured just means the events i remember more clearly..haha)

4. all the cheers those at the side keep was great.

5. the mud party at the end for me. thanks A4 for helping me with the laundry..hehz

anyway..other than my players..i would like to thank welfare comm, convening comm, some JCRC pple(like PJ and kwan aik) and those who helped out in one way or another.

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