Saturday, October 06, 2007

So many good shows..

for those who have ch 55 on SCV..hasn't it been just wonderful these days with damn nice serials..

“A hero bigger than myth. A love greater than history”

apparently this show broke the viewership records in korea.

a very interesting show about a divine healer (in mandarin u call then shen know..god doctor) and a fortune teller trying to save the pugilistic world from bad guys.

one very good thing about these chinese shows..esp all those in ancient china and martial arts that the girls are damn pretty in those costumes and look. hahha..i'm right..right??

and of course not forgetting the oscar winning english dramas that finally started their new season..

Prison Break Season good as ever. I guess the producers heard the audiences..this show should be breaking out of prison and yup..michael's at it an apparently tougher prison to break out of now..yay!!

Heroes Season 2..a bit messy with all the time travellings by Hiro..but still this show continues to make u curious on whats gonna happen to these people. and of course..always waiting to see some cool fighting actions with their powers..

and of course..smallville season 7..for those who lost interest in this show..i think u lost out..its getting really good now..closer and closer in becoming superman..and of course..who can get enough of lana lang!! haha..

yup..thankful for these shows to keep my off days interesting..

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