Friday, July 07, 2006

DND comm treat @ Marche a few wks ago...

just posting these pics for fun..frankly speaking..i'm amazed at how jac can assembled so many babes into this comm..just a short tribute to them:
in no particular order...1) jac 2) sara 3) yan ling 4) caryn 5) clarice 6) yishan 7) kailin
they're the best of the best man..or rather class
anyway here are the pics..

yes yes..i didn't forget the guys! i'm not a buaya unlike some yr4s who go join as councillors...hahaha...the guys tribute will be a better one in the near future when i have more time!

p.s. notice ziqi is almost in every pic~!! camera he-whore!!


melannieyeo said...

yup.. all the pretty girls in dnd..

melannieyeo said...

yup.. all the pretty girls in dnd..

Anonymous said...

i wish i could say i had the power to gather all the cute guys into a comm.. haha! eh but the guys in our comm are hot too!!!
