Friday, February 17, 2006

Long Long Day in the Lab

Today is my I think 5th FYP session in the lab. Its the 2nd consecutive long day. Started around 10.30am til 8pm on wed and til 7 today. Damn sianz. Saw 2 of my classmates this morning in Macs. I went there early on to catch the breakfast before proceeding to the lab. Hotcakes is always a good start to my day! hahaha..

Lab was generally boring. Have to wait and wait and wait for results. The worse thing is results come out wrong and have to do again. Lucky it didnt happen to me. But it happened to my Post grad attached. She's a pretty nice lady from Bangladesh. Helpful and intelligent. Always help me tend my experiment when I go out. haha..lucky me.

Overall the sessions this week have been successful. Manage to obtain what my prof set out for me to do. Albeit it took longer hours than expected.

Tong is begging for one more round of winning eleven. I won one (Roma beat Chelsea) and he won one(Man U beat Chelsea) just now. Think I shall grant him one mroe match to teach him a lesson. hahahah...stay tune for the results!

Anyway my honey is coming over soon. Miss her lots..

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